We are grateful to the Foster family for giving WSKI a copy of their home movies from 1964 at Sugarloaf when the hardy skiers worked & played with gusto to create the grand reputation of 'Sugarlo...
The Stanley Steamer is one of those special inventions that you fall in love with when you first see (& hear!) one, if you should be so fortunate! This video from WSKI’s Archives by an unknown p...
This vintage video is about ten generations from the original 3/4" video tape Master edit of the mid-1980s, but you still get the idea! Many of the shots could be re-created today right across the we...
Our recollection is that this was the podium scene & weigh-in at the 1984 Heavyweight Championships, with local celebrities Brownie & Zappa doing the announcing & weighing. The 'Big People...
If you remember skiing before there were winch cats & shape skis, you can appreciate how challenging it was to look good on the great bumps that always grew on Upper Go-Go Line! What a blast it wa...