The Ski Museum of Maine is located above the Sugarloaf Sports Outlet on Main street in Kingfield. It's a great place to go check out the rich history of the sport we know and love. This video was t...
When the Sugarloaf property support manager got a call that there was flooding on the Mountain so he better get to work to see about damage, he had no idea he would not make it to the Mountain that Su...
Here's some more footage from September 14th when the Skyline towers were flown onto the mountain. Enjoy! (more…)...
Here is more of the presentation on Maine Tourism from Carolann Ouellette, (more…)...
Photo by: Danielle London
Thanks to Reed and Reed of Woolwich. The bridges on Route 27 are officially open as of 7:54 pm Tuesday night. A LeBretton truck was waiting at the south end to be the first v...