The Stanley Steamer is one of those special inventions that you fall in love with when you first see (& hear!) one, if you should be so fortunate! This video from WSKI’s Archives by an unknown producer is timeless in its presentation of one of the incredible creations of the brilliant Stanley brothers of Kingfield at the turn of the 18th-19th century. As stated in the mission of the Stanley Museum, where you can see actual Steam Cars (1905, 1909, 1910, 1916), & other inventions including Air-Brush Portraits, Paintings, Violins, Photographs, & more: ‘The Stanley Museum keeps and shares the traditions of Yankee Ingenuity and creativity as exemplified by the Stanley family in order to inspire those values in children and adults’. The Museum commemorates and preserves the heritage of the Stanley family genius, including sister, Chansonetta, whose photographs depicting rural turn-of-the-century American life can also be viewed at 40 School Street, Kingfield. Museum hours: June through October, Tuesday to Sunday 1 to 4 PM; November through May, Tuesday to Friday 1 to 4 PM; or by appointment. [flv:StanleySteamer.flv thumb.jpg 480 360]
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