Less than forty miles north on Maine’s High Peaks Scenic Byway, you will find a Sentiers Frontaliers trailhead within sight of the Customs Station. The 135-km (80 mi.) walking network links the Parc national du Mont-Mégantic and the Chartierville/NH and Woburn/Coburn Gore border crossings. The network connects to the Appalachian Trail via the Cohos Trail in N.H. in the U.S. White Mountain National Forest, which is 162 miles from Crawford Notch to the Canadian border in Pittsburg, NH. Work is in progress to link our region from the Appalachian Trail in Stratton-Wyman, to Coburn Gore, so an international hiking loop will create a 300+ mile adventure like nothing else that exists in North America. The Sentiers Frontaliers’ driving force, Andre Blais, from Lac Megantic, was our Guest on WSKI’s Mountain Report to tell us all about the fantastic trails in place just across the Border in Quebec.