The indefatigable Meredith Burgess stopped by to update our viewers on the new date, due to the extreme cold, of Saturday Jan. 14 for the lead-up event CLIMB FOR A CURE:
Register the day of the event...
One of my favorite days shooting this blue sky day's video from the summit.. on 3/4" tape w/ total equipment half my weight when very few others were doing so..Marketing got a lot of mileage from this...
Our Watch and Win kicks off December 28th during our live show. We'll be giving away lots of great gear during our shows at 7:30 am and 5:30 pm Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Be sure to tune in to win...
We stopped by the Carrabassett Public Library & Community Center to find out from Andi DiBiase what exactly they are offering for activities this upcoming holiday week.. Check it out. (more…)...
Deirdre Frey was our guest on a recent Mountain Report to share with our viewers her services offered here in Carrabassett Valley & the surrounding High Peaks region. Really nice to have such expertis...