Mark Jenson makes really cool snow sculptures. He's also a really cool guy. We caught up with him a couple years ago to find out what makes him tic...or carve. He broke his hip on the job earlier this...
Always happy to have Andy Ricker with us... he's always bearing gifts galore from Ricker Hill Orchards, of the most delicious hard cider creations coming from the fruits of their labor with fruits fro...
Phil from Amalgam Skis stopped by the studio to talk up their operation. Skis for everyone and every condition. Want a pair of your own? Tune in to Watch and Win this February vacation week for your c...
This weekend is the annual Polar Blast in the villages of Stratton and Eustis. Live music, bonfires, snowmobile racing, chili and chowder cook offs, cardboard sled races and so much more. Steve St. Je...
February 1st, 2020 was the date for the annual Carrabassett Fat Tire race at the Sugarloaf Outdoor Center. This year conditions were prime for the 4 lap 20 mile race or the 2 lap 10 mile race. Fatbiki...