Behind the Lifties who you see every time you ride a lift, there's so many more people behind the scenes orchestrating the Operations on the Mountain! We share Admin's basement w/ the core of the army...
Cooper Friend & Peter Weston visited with us as Pres. & VP of the Ski Museum of Maine, who hold a big fundraiser at Sugarloaf every February, but have now changed the name to honor our beloved John Ch...
As much time as some of our region's visitors spend here enjoying our winters, there are a lot who have never had the pleasure of a ride through our backyard on a snowmobile, to see our wilderness wit...
It was a cold and windy day which made for firm and fast conditions for the 2019 Carrabassett Fat Tire race. Check out some highlights in the video and make plans to come up and ride Carrabassett Vall...
We stopped up to the Pines Market to talk with Johnny Morris, president of the Arnold Trail Snowmobile Club. It seems winter is back and it's showing on the trails. Check it out and come check out the...