The Rangeley Lakes Trails Center is located nestled on the side of Saddleback Mountain with 55 km of mapped trails for XC skiing, snowshoeing, hiking, and mountain biking. It is the home of the Rangel...
Casino night, chili & chowder cook-off, snowmobile demo rides, family rides, radar run, poker run, displays and vendors, children's activities, canoe sleigh rides, Rave X show, parade, fireworks! We l...
2 Time Olympic Boardercross Gold Medalist Seth Wescott stopped by to update us on what he's been up to, as well as his plans for the future. From Winterstick Snowboards, to the 2018 Olympics and T...
A wicked nice morning to enjoy all the fresh snow and excellent conditions! How can you not smile... (more…)...
Tammy Goldfrank & Sue Davis were Guests on WSKI's Mountain Report to share news of the upcoming Bicentennial in Kingfield & the year full of events being planned to honor such a significant m...