Sugarloaf events manager Andy Gendron Stopped by the set to let us know what's up this spring at Sugarloaf... (more…)...
By land or water, motor or people powered, there are so many ways to have a great time outdoors & see awesome vistas along the way all throughout the Maine High Peaks region, so get out & pl...
Between Kingfield and Carrabassett just off rt 27 lies a gem of a natural feature, Reed Brook Falls. Great for kids and families both in the summer and winter... (more…)...
This month's exhibiting artist at the Carrabassett Valley Library is Betsy Bass, who grew up on the slopes of Sugarloaf as the daughter of one of the Mtn's founding fathers! Her eye for the beauty tha...
The New England Pond Hockey championships are an annual event held in Rangeley on Haley Pond. Players come from all over the country, and Canada to compete and have a great time... (more…)...