WSKI was lucky enough to get an early morning tour of Sugarloaf's own Sugarshack on Maine Maple Sunday. Danny Barker walks us through the process, and thanks to Gifford's, we enjoyed some of Sugarloaf...
From logo wear to a huge array of all sorts of items anyone would want to receive for a gift, the Sugarloafer Shop has more than you can imagine... including Sugarloaf duct tape!!!!!, so you MUST pay ...
A few years ago, video producer Dave Huot showcased the new & growing Maine Huts & Trails to our affiliates across the USA with this video that aired from Coast to Coast. There are now FOUR Huts, & so...
Joel Osgood along with Lacy and Dave Smith came on the WSKI Mountain Report to tell us about the upcoming Snow Softball event to help Maine Special Olympics...
Sugarloaf, along with help from CR NEMBA and Maine Huts and Trails are hosting the first ever Fat Tire Festival on April 4th at Sugarloaf. Popularity of Fat Bikes has skyrocketed in the last few years...