Our neighbors in the Lift Department include some truly fantastic people who get up before the sun, travel to work before the snowplows are out, to shovel & prep the lifts before we even get in line t...
The Sugarloaf Board Room and the Burton Signature store located in Village Center has all the good stuff for your riding needs. We stopped by and had a chat with Zach to see what he's excited about. C...
This weekend's 4th Fire on the Mountain event is PERFECT indoors entertainment, celebrating all things Grateful Dead February 3-5, featuring Rose Alley and John Kadlecik, so get up here despite a chil...
With the West Mountain Development construction underway there are major changes with Sugarloaf's uphill policy. This is for everyone's safety as logging operations continue to work on the areas west ...
We had to talk to the crew who has blown snow, groomed & hand tilled Joanie's Jump for the past two weeks despite weather challenges, for the pros to show their fantastic abilities amidst music & a te...