"Run that Puppy!" The Skyline is Open!

The Skyline Quad, Sugarloaf's first new lift in 14 years, officially opened for business today! Over 400 people were on hand to commemorate the lift's  inauguration. The first 100 riders received sp...

The New CV Recreational Bridge is Open!

It's been nearly two years in the making (or five years, depending on who you ask), but it's finally here! The brand new Carrabassett Valley Recreational Bridge is open to the public. Located behind t...

BIG Air…Bag!!!

Carrabassett Valley Academy's Freeride Coach Nate McKenzie gives the low-down on the new 65' X 65' air bag to be set up just west of the Super Quad in the old freestyle jump area. This HUGE air bag br...

Kingfield First Friday Artwalk

Doors open on the first Friday of each month in downtown Kingfield from 5-8pm to view art, meet friends, and enjoy refreshments, music and poetry. The artwalk is open to the public and free of charge...