In addition to having absolutely everything you need inside this favorite local store (with wicked good homemade meals & treats available, too)... you can rent canoes, kayaks, tandems, paddleboards, l...
Dogs are as much a part of our lives around here, as the mountains, rivers, lakes & trails, so Country Mutt found a Home when they opened in Kingfield a few years back! Whether for treats, grooming, d...
Nickerson Building Movers do Excavation Work & Move Buildings from small to giant, & their Crane has worked on so many jobs across our region, it would have tales to tell if it could talk.... Seth CAN...
For many years, Bob Ash has helped to make the MTB scene in Carrabassett Valley what it is today; he lives here & rides year-round, he has fixed all our bikes, ordered us new ones, rented bikes to vis...
Lots of people are wondering about the RDIF installation; WSKI decided to go to the source to get the info you won't find anywhere else from one of our favorite colleagues!