We are a bit prejudiced, but the original mountain bike crew in the Valley who started the ball rolling, er wheels rolling, to get serious about building trails to ride here in the Maine High Peaks, d...
Welcome to Sugarloaf, Jason & Michael & all the crew to come, too! Everyone is looking forward to the new restaurants Hunker Down & Wax On Wax Off in Village West under the direction of Portland resta...
The annual meeting at the Sugarloaf Inn. (more…)...
The temps are not what we winter people like, especially when Homecoming is days away & it is less than three months till Xmas! SO, here's our antidote to the heat for those who will be glad to see it...
This gorgeous home in Kingfield is waiting for the next family to love, as so many have before! Current owners are down-sizing & hate to let it go because they have loved it since before their kids we...